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Static Blocks

With Webmaker+ and Drupal 10 you can create new blocks and place them wherever you want in your site. You can also place multiple instances of those, as well, as described above.

To demonstrate the above-mentioned option, to show you the styling the theme comes with, and also to help you get up to speed with developing your Drupal 10 site using Webmaker+, it comes with the pre-built and preconfigured blocks below:

  • Address
  • Banner cta block
  • Be the first to get our news and offers
  • Collapsible block
  • Contact Info
  • Copyright
  • EU Office
  • Featured Linked Text Tiles
  • Great features at a glance
  • Header Modal
  • Hero Block - Centered
  • Hero Block - Image Left
  • Hero Block - Image Right
  • Hero Form - Form Right
  • How it works
  • Logos
  • Media tabs
  • Our Office Locations
  • Social Links
  • Subscribe form
  • Timeline
  • Try it for free
  • US Office
  • Use on every platform blocks

Important notice:

The above-mentioned built-in and preconfigured blocks are available when doing a full installation of Webmaker+, with the demo content as well. These are not available if you simply install Webmaker+ as a simple Drupal 10 theme.