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Host Google fonts locally

The guide provides step-by-step instructions for hosting Google fonts on your own web server. The steps below refer to the Base+ theme and the PT Serif font, as an example, but they can be applied to any other font loaded in our theme distributions.

  1. Create the folder: themes/custom/baseplus/fonts.
  2. Create the file: themes/custom/baseplus/css/theme/local-fonts.css.
  3. Download the font. There are two different ways:
    1. Download via webfonts-helper
    2. Download directly from Google servers
  4. Place the font files of the extracted zip in the created folder: themes/custom/baseplus/fonts. The file structure should look as in the following screen capture:
    Screen capture
  1. Navigate to the file: themes/custom/baseplus/baseplus.libraries.yml. Comment the first fonts-pt-serif: section and uncomment the next fonts-pt-serif: one as in the screen capture below:
    Screen capture

Download the Google font using the webfonts-helper

  1. Visit the google-webfonts-helper tool:

  2. Pick the desired font.

  3. Choose the charset and the styles you want to use for this font.
    Screen capture
  4. Make sure to choose the **Modern Browser** option and in the **Customize folder prefix** option set the value to `../../fonts/` and copy the CSS that is automatically generated.
    Screen capture
  5. Paste the generated css in the file: themes/custom/baseplus/fonts/pt-serif/pt-serif-local.css. In our case we used only the woff2 format.

  6. Download the fonts.

  7. Place the font files of the extracted zip file in the newly created folder: themes/custom/baseplus/fonts.

Download fonts directly from Google’s servers

This is an alternative to the above download method.

  1. Visit Google Fonts, pick PT Serif as the font family, and choose the font weights.

  2. Copy the highlighted link tag with query parameters and open it in a new tab.
    Screen capture
  3. Each `@font-face` rule, specifies a src to download those font files. Open each URL and download the font.
    Screen capture